Which Type of Web Design Matches Your Business Goals? A Quick Guide

type of web design and how it influences website redesign strategy by Edens DIgital

We’ve said it many times – your website is your online storefront. However, not every type of website will work for every brand. The type of web design you choose should align with your business goals and cater to your specific audience. Understanding the different types of web design can empower you to make informed decisions and invest in a website that truly works for you.

Popular Types of Web Design

Corporate website design as a type of web design

Let’s explore the various types of web design and how they can help your Lagos business.

1. Brochure Websites

If you’re looking to establish an online presence and showcase your company’s products or services, a brochure website is a great starting point. These websites are typically informational, providing essential details about your business, contact information, and a portfolio of your work.exe

  • Ideal for: Small businesses, startups, service-based businesses, and professionals (e.g., consultants, lawyers, photographers)
  • Search Intent: Informational (“what you do,” “contact information,” “services offered”)

2. E-commerce Websites

If you want to sell products or services online, an e-commerce website is a must. These websites are designed to facilitate transactions, allowing customers to browse products, add them to a cart, and securely check out.

  • Ideal for: Retail businesses, online stores, and businesses that sell digital products (e.g., courses, ebooks, software)
  • Search Intent: Transactional (“buy [product],” “shop online,” “order now”)

3. Portfolio Websites

For creative professionals like artists, designers, photographers, and writers, a portfolio website is essential for showcasing their work and attracting clients. These websites focus on visual appeal, showcasing a curated collection of the artist’s best work.

  • Ideal for: Artists, designers, photographers, writers, and other creative professionals
  • Search Intent: Informational (“[artist name] portfolio,” “[designer name] work”)

4. Landing Pages

Landing pages are standalone pages designed for a specific purpose, usually to capture leads or promote a particular offer. They’re often used in conjunction with advertising campaigns and are highly optimized for conversions.

  • Ideal for: Lead generation campaigns, product launches, promotional offers, and event registrations
  • Search Intent: Transactional (“sign up,” “download,” “get a quote”)

5. Blogs and Content-Driven Websites

If you want to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry, a blog or content-driven website can be a powerful tool. These websites focus on providing valuable, informative content that attracts and engages your target audience. For example, Definitions

  • Ideal for: Businesses that want to educate their audience, build brand awareness, and drive organic traffic through content marketing
  • Search Intent: Informational (“[topic] blog,” “[industry] insights”)

6. Corporate Websites

For established businesses, a corporate website serves as the central hub for all their online activities. It provides information about the company, its products or services, its history, and its values.

  • Ideal for: Established businesses, corporations, and organizations
  • Search Intent: Informational (“[company name] website,” “about us,” “company information”)

7. Membership Websites

If you want to create a community around your brand or offer exclusive content to paying members, a membership website is a great option. These websites typically have restricted access and offer premium content or features to subscribers. E.g Studio 5:13

  • Ideal for: Online courses, coaching programs, membership organizations, and exclusive communities
  • Search Intent: Transactional (“join,” “become a member,” “subscribe”)

Hybrid Websites: The Best of Both Worlds

hero section of an hybrid website (a type of web design) after a new website redesign by Edens Digital

Hybrid websites combine the best of both worlds, blending different types of web design to cater to diverse needs. They can seamlessly integrate elements of brochure websites, e-commerce platforms, portfolios, blogs, and even membership areas.

  • Ideal for: Businesses with multiple offerings, complex goals, or diverse target audiences. For example, a company that sells products online but also wants to establish thought leadership through a blog would benefit from a hybrid website.
  • Search Intent: Hybrid websites can cater to a variety of search intents, depending on the specific pages and sections within the site. For example, product pages would be transactional, while blog posts would be informational.

A prime example of a hybrid website is SEMrush. It’s a comprehensive platform that offers SEO tools, educational resources, and e-commerce functionality for purchasing subscriptions. This allows them to cater to both SEO professionals seeking tools and beginners looking for educational content. Another example is GrowTally and also the Edensdigital website

Benefits of Hybrid Websites

  • Versatility: Hybrid websites offer flexibility to showcase different aspects of your business under one roof.
  • Increased Engagement: By offering a variety of content and features, hybrid websites can keep visitors engaged and encourage them to explore further.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: Hybrid websites can cater to different stages of the customer journey, from awareness to purchase, leading to increased conversions.
  • Enhanced Brand Image: A well-designed hybrid website can showcase your brand’s versatility and expertise, boosting your credibility and reputation.

Choosing the Right Type of Web Design for Your Lagos Business

The best type of web design for your business will depend on your specific goals, target audience, and budget. Consider what you want your website to achieve and who you want to reach.

At Edensdigital, we specialize in crafting custom websites that perfectly align with your business needs and goals. Whether you’re a startup looking for a simple brochure website or an established brand in need of a complex e-commerce platform, we have the expertise and experience to bring your vision to life. Contact us today for a free consultation and let’s discuss how we can create a website that propels your business forward!




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