Lead Generation vs. Click-Through Landing Pages: What Should You Choose?

building a landing page for an email list while A/B Testing different elements

Amina’s Lagos fashion boutique was thriving, but her online sales were lagging. She needed a stronger online presence but wasn’t sure where to start. A friend suggested creating a landing page, but Amina soon discovered there were different types: lead generation pages and click-through landing pages.

If you’re like Amina, torn between these two options, you’re not alone. This guide will help you understand the difference and explore how a hybrid approach can be the perfect solution for your Lagos business.

Lead Generation Landing Pages

How to improve your website speed by optimising your landing page

Lead generation landing pages are like a friendly handshake, inviting visitors to share their contact information in exchange for something of value. This could be a free ebook, a discount code, or access to a webinar.


  • Build Your Email List: Email marketing is a powerful tool for nurturing leads and turning them into loyal customers.
  • Gather Valuable Data: Learn about your audience’s interests and preferences, allowing you to tailor your marketing messages.
  • Qualify Leads: Focus your efforts on those who are genuinely interested in your products or services.


  • Higher Barrier to Entry: Asking for contact information can create friction and deter some visitors.
  • Requires Follow-Up: Captured leads need nurturing through email marketing or other channels to move them towards conversion.

Click-Through Landing Pages

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Click-through landing pages are the direct route to your sales goal. They typically feature a concise message, a compelling offer, and a prominent call-to-action (CTA) button. Think of them as the virtual equivalent of a salesperson saying, “Buy now!”


  • Lower Barrier to Entry: No need to ask for personal information upfront, making it easier for visitors to take immediate action.
  • Drive Immediate Conversions: Focus on a single CTA, optimizing the page for sales, demo requests, or other immediate goals.


  • Limited Lead Generation: These pages don’t capture leads for future nurturing.
  • Less Opportunity for Nurturing: You miss out on building relationships with potential customers over time.

The Hybrid Approach: The Best of Both Worlds

Why choose one when you can have both? A hybrid landing page combines elements of both lead generation and click-through pages, allowing you to cater to visitors at different stages of the buyer’s journey.

For example, you could offer a prominent CTA for immediate purchase, while also including a secondary CTA for a lead magnet, such as a free ebook or newsletter subscription. This way, you can capture leads from visitors who aren’t quite ready to buy, while still providing a direct path to purchase for those who are.

Which Approach is Right for Your Lagos Business?

The ideal landing page strategy for your business depends on your specific goals:

  • Need to build an email list for long-term nurturing? A lead generation landing page (or a hybrid approach) is a good option.
  • Want to drive immediate sales or conversions? A click-through landing page (or a hybrid approach) can be more effective.

Remember, your choice doesn’t have to be permanent. You can create different landing pages for different campaigns, tailoring each one to specific objectives.

Key Elements for a High-Converting Landing Page

Regardless of the type of landing page you choose, certain elements are essential for driving conversions:

  • Compelling Headline: Grab attention and communicate your value proposition clearly.
  • Engaging Visuals: Use high-quality images or videos that resonate with your target audience.
  • Persuasive Copy: Highlight the benefits of your offer and address your audience’s pain points.
  • Strong Call to Action (CTA): Make it easy for visitors to take the desired action.
  • Mobile-Responsive Design: Ensure your landing page looks and functions flawlessly on mobile devices.
  • Trust-Building Elements: Incorporate testimonials, social proof, and security badges to build credibility.

Need Expert Guidance?

At Edens Digital, we specialize in crafting high-converting landing pages tailored to your Lagos business needs. Whether you’re looking to generate leads or drive immediate sales, we can help you design a landing page that delivers results. Contact us today for a free consultation!



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