The Story Behind Our Website Redesign: Lessons Learned and Success Stories

hero section of an hybrid website (a type of web design) after a new website redesign by Edens Digital

A few months ago, we decided to redesign our website. This wasn’t a mere aesthetic makeover, but a strategic move to address some glaring issues holding us back. We’re a web design agency (and a top-rated web development agency!) If our digital home wasn’t delivering results, we knew something had to change.

Why We Opted for a Website Redesign?

website redesign process

Here are some of the signs that told us a website redesign was crucial;

  • The Need for Speed (or Lack Thereof): Our Core Web Vitals, Google’s measure of site performance, were signalling trouble. Our page load speed was lagging behind industry standards. This didn’t just make for a poor user experience; it also impacted our search engine rankings.
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: Our heatmaps, which track user behaviour, revealed a frustrating trend – many of our calls-to-action (CTAs) were being ignored. Visitors weren’t clicking on “Contact Us” or “Get a Free Consultation.” Clearly, something wasn’t working.
  • Missed Opportunities: We were getting a steady stream of traffic from our Google My Business listing, but these visitors weren’t converting into leads. This indicated a disconnect between our GMB presence and our website’s ability to guide potential clients through the next steps.
  • The Maze of Navigation: Our website architecture had grown organically over time, resulting in a confusing maze of pages and sections. Users couldn’t easily find the information they needed, leading to high bounce rates and missed opportunities.

A Journey of Self-Reflection

the website redesign process

The realization that our website wasn’t up to par was humbling. It forced us to step back and critically assess the design and our overall digital strategy. We realized our website needed a radical facelift that wasn’t just about aesthetics but about creating a website that truly served our users and business goals.

So what were our goals?

  • Enhanced User Experience (UX): Streamlining navigation, improving page load speeds, and ensuring a clear user journey through the website.
  • Increased Conversions: Strategically placing CTAs, crafting persuasive content, and optimizing for different stages of the sales funnel.
  • Refreshed Brand Identity: Updating our visual identity to better reflect our values and offerings.
  • Improved SEO Performance: Optimizing content, metadata, and site structure for better search engine visibility.

The Path Forward: Our Growth Methodology

website redesign strategy by Edens DIgital

A website redesign can feel daunting, but at Edens Digital, we have a proven process that ensures success. It’s what we use for ourselves and also what we use for clients we redesign their websites. Here’s what that looks like

  1. Marketing Strategy and Opportunities Analysis: Our experts meticulously analyzed our business goals, target audience, and competition to identify key growth opportunities. Then we created a custom strategy to maximize the impact of our website redesign.
  2. Full Roll-out and Implementation: We implemented the agreed-upon strategy, focusing on timely delivery and setting up scalable solutions that will evolve alongside our business.
  3. Track, Learn, and Improve: Our work doesn’t end at launch. We will need to continuously monitor our website’s performance, using data-driven insights to identify areas for improvement. This ensures our website remains effective and continues to deliver results long after launch.

Lessons Learned: Key Takeaways

Our website redesign journey reinforced the importance of;

  • Clear Goal Setting: Without defined objectives, a redesign can easily lose focus.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Analytics provide valuable insights to guide design and optimization.
  • User-Centric Approach: Prioritizing user experience is essential for long-term success.
  • Collaboration: Working together as a team and communicating openly is crucial throughout the process.

What Do You Think About Our Website Redesign?

Redesigning our website was a challenging yet rewarding experience. We learned valuable lessons, faced unexpected hurdles, and ultimately created a website that we’re proud of. We hope our journey inspires you to embark on your website redesign journey too.

Remember, a website is a living, breathing entity. It needs to evolve and adapt alongside your business. Don’t be afraid to embrace change and invest in a redesign that will propel your brand to new heights.

So, did we hit the mark or miss the target? If you haven’t explored our new website yet, we invite you to take a look around and let us know what you think.

We’d love your feedback! 

Here you go – Edens Digital



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