Marketing Case Studies

Over 1000 Purchases for a Kitchen Accessories Brand

Over 1000 Purchases for a Kitchen Accessories Brand A once-thriving Kitchen Accessories Brand found itself in a challenging situation. Profits...

Kitchen Accessories


Real Estate Magic! Over 1000 leads generated at 5.77 ROAS

Over 1000 leads were generated at 5.77 ROAS for HomeAwayShortlet in the Real Estate industry.HomeAwayShortlet, a prominent player in the...

HomeAway Shortlet

Real Estate

Over 50% Increase in Leads Generated for Credence

Over 50% Increase in Leads Generated for Credence, A Startup helping families hire domestic workers… for Less Ad Spend Credence:...


Start-up Company

Laptop and Gadget Ecommerce Store – $20K in Sales

Over 60 purchases and $20k in sales at a 7.95 ROAS in an extremely competitive niche. – Empowering PC...


Electronics Ecommerce

US-Based Health Supplement Brand – $200K in Sales

Over 1100 Purchases and $200k in sales at a 6.48 ROAS. All our winning strategies were implemented on this ad...

Nature Daily - USA

Healthcare Ecommerce